Roselle newborn photos

Recently, this gorgeous baby girl came to my studio for a newborn photo shoot. Now, offering Roselle newborn photos, as well as Chicagoland family and baby photography

Roselle newborn photos

To begin, this little angel baby was awake! Sometimes, it works out for some adorable photos, too!

Chicagoland newborn photography

Here, baby girl fell asleep, so we got her all bundled up. Now, I have several swaddles, hats, headbands, blankets, baskets, buckets and props for your newborn session. Also, please check out my portfolio, to make sure my photography fits your needs.

newborn photos Roselle

Here, with neutral colors, and a perfect little pose, this baby girl snuggled one of the studio stuffed animals for a perfect slumber.

macro lens photography newborn

Chicagoland newborn pictures

Now, at your Roselle newborn photos, we can use whatever props I have that you prefer! Here, one of the studio outfits looked perfect on this little baby, in the bowl pose.

newborn prop photography Chicago

To finish, we ended in the moon prop!

Also, to view more galleries, or get information on pricing, click here.

And, Bethany Hope Photography is a photography studio specializing in Chicago newborn & family photography. Truthfully, I absolutely love what I do! And, I love all things rustic and vintage. Because of that, I try to incorporate that into my photography. For your information, my studio is located in Six Corners Chicago. Also, I’ve been a photographer for about 8+ years and have specialized in newborn photography for about 5. Now, I mainly shoot newborn, baby, maternity & family photos and would LOVE to be apart of telling your story. Fortunately, my clients come from all around the Chicagoland area! And, I am serving, but not limited to: Chicago, Park Ridge, Des Plaines, Arlington Heights, Palatine, Barrington, Elgin, Glenview, Schaumburg, Elmhurst, Evanston, Naperville, Oak Park, Skokie, Wilmette, Northbrook, Wheeling, Buffalo Grove, Wooddale, Addison, Norridge, Lincolnwood, and all surrounding Chicago suburbs