I know it’s late buuuuuut I just had to post this cutie <3

Everyone ready for some sneak peaks?!? 😉
Penny in pink <3
This little lady belongs to Sydney from Strollin With My Homies!
I just love her hilarious & REAL take on Mommyhood.
I had a chance to meet her and her lovely family when they came in for newborn photos aaaaaaaand we have a LOVELY giveaway coming up THIS Monday!!

I just looooved this little guy <3
and I just loved how he looks in green

Look who came back for her 6 month session <3
Seriously! She was just as easygoing as she was for her newborn session. Such a sweetheart <3

When your family looks this good <3

Peekaboo <3

Happy Friday <3

A lotta sweat, tears & cake pop bribes went into this shot.
And I couldn’t love it any more <3