Happy Wednesday 😉
Who’s ready for some HOLIDAY MINI info?!? 🙂
I’ll be offering two different types of holiday mini sessions this year!
One will be at a gorgeous tree farm and the other will be a simple indoor studio set up 🙂
I know some of you have already been asking about these spots soooo…
I’ll open for booking in my VIP customer group TOMORROW at 5PM

Yellow will ALWAYS be my fave <3

Another of this sweetheart, Declan <3

The best of friends <3

These are the moments I love to capture-
and they aaaalways end up as my favorites!

Josie’s Mama brought this GORGEOUS vintage dress for her first birthday pictures <3
It matched her eyes perfectly!!
So I know a lot of you already know… but just in case you don’t…
*TODAY* is the day Tricia (Patricia Anderson Photography) & I are announcing the Holiday Tree mini info in our VIP customer groups! We will be posting the link to the website where you choose a time that is available/works best for you and pay the deposit to hold your slot 🙂
The Holiday Tree mini sessions include family and/or kiddos pics and will be located at Kuiper’s Tree Farm on Nov 4th!
I know some of those time slots might go quickly… so please be ready at 5PM to sign up!
BUT that’s not all! 😉
I will be offering some indoor studio holiday mini sessions, too! These will be for kiddos only on my wooden backdrop and a simple evergreen garland. The date for these mini sessions will be Oct. 29th!
Which session are you hoping to snag? 😉

Lottta love in this gorgeous family <3
Next summer, you better believe I’ll be booking tons of beach sessions! <3

I am loving all these sitter sessions!
I haaaaate having to wait a whole year to see my newborn clients again.. so these 6 month sessions are perfect!
And luckily for you guys, I have a major prop problem (?) and have TONS of gorgeous sitter outfits for boys and girls! 😉

Can we talk about this VELVET dress?! I MEAN <3
And this model 🙂 come on!

Ben <3
A handsome addition to an already waaaayyy too good-looking family 😉
Seriously though. Just wait ’til I post the sibling shot. It’s nuts.

Love watching my families grow up <3

If this doesn’t make you smile, then you’re nuts <3
Those open-mouth grins are the best!

Gorgeous Mama & daughter <3

I’m going to miss this sweet family <3

Only **2** more hours before we open the Holiday mini session booking!
whooooo’s ready?!?

Last call for first dibs!
Booking starts in 15 minutes!
You gotta join the group to book the holiday minis!