A littttttle obsessed with sitter sessions right now <3
I have tons of adorable outfits for both boys & girls of all sitter size range!
Email to book: infobethanyhopephoto@gmail.com <3

Helloooo out there <3
Who’s ready for all the sneak peeks?!?!
I have lots of family sessions, sitter sessions & newborn sessions to share 🙂
You have been warned 😉

Can you all believe that FALL is just around the corner?!
Don’t wait to book your fall family sessions <3
And you better believe I’m doing Holiday MINIS this year!
There will be two different options: one indoor set up & one outdoor (TREE FARM!) set up 🙂
Those won’t be booked just yet– once I figure out all those details, I’ll let you all know 🙂
To stay up to date with specials and minis- join here 🙂 Only adding repeat clients or serious potential clients 🙂

Two lovely sisters <3

Live every moment, love every day <3

Pure j o y <3

You guys.
I’m warning you now that you *might* not be able to handle all these sitter mini sneak peeks.

I can’t

Loooooove his little smirk <3
and the red hair!

Soooo I think I’ll have to shoot more sitter sessions <3
what do you think? 😉
ps- can you believe how BEAUTIFUL Sienna’s eyes are!?

Cutie Andrew <3
8 months old.

Showing off her standing and modeling skills 😉

*A little break from the sitter sessions to share THIS pretty girl!!!
And I loooove her name,
Perry <3

Ian was alllll smiles <3

With a little help from Mama, all things are possible 😉

Stylized sessions aren’t just for babies 😉
Happy 1st Birthday, Phoebe.

Last post of the day is this sweet boy <3
and he was an aaaaaamazing sleeper 🙂

okay, I lied. one moreeee <3