I wish I coulda kept her.
Ruthie <3

Tonight was AMAZING.
I had the honor of hosting a newborn shootout with two other awesome photographers – Artful Heart Photography & Patricia Anderson Photography <3
Thanks so much to all those who drove out through the rain and hail!
INCLUDING this handsome guy’s Mama ps- outdoor newborn sessions are dang addicting! So much gorgeous texture and depth 🙂

You guysssss
I had a long day of 1:1 mentoring with someone who came alllll the way from Arizona!
and Madeleine, our first model, made the trip worth it <3
How pretty is she?!

Quinn <3
Handsome model #2 of the day 🙂

Our last model of the day – sweet little Ava <3
I decided to tuck her in after the “potato sack” pose – which adds another look to your gallery without really moving the baby too much 🙂
and I loooove the touch of strawberry in her hair <3

Big sis wanted to help get Kameron to smile 🙂