Welcome to the world
Baby Lincoln <3

The first time you hold your baby <3
That raw emotion.

Here he is! Sweet baby Lincoln.
LOTS of great hair 🙂
and lots of great squish!!

cheeks. nom nom.

Meet Sofie <3

double the love

Welcome to the world, Miss Avery <3

Sofieeeee 🙂

Charlotte had a blast during our Mommy & Me minis 😉

Another lovely family from the Mommy +me’s <3
Can you tell they are all just SUPER photogenic?!

Working on some sneak peeeeks for everyone today <3

Elizabeth <3
She was so sweet to me today 🙂 Told me all about her favorite princesses!
Check out the nails, too 😉

HOW did I not share this one?! RUBY

Adorable family <3
Joey wasn’t impressed with my weird noises 😉

I kiiiinda have the best job ever <3

To have & hold <3

bear kisses 🙂 <3

I mean… <3
How adorable is that toddler tummy?!
This is what I call the squirrel picture. Right Mom? 😉

Oh how I looove seeing this familyyy <3
And I’m grateful they trusted me with our random and sketchy location 😉

Another lovely image from our Mommy+me day!!! <3

How is it that we always get the good-lookin families?!
Not complaining 😉
Another from the mommy+me sessions!