I’ve been sooo bad with updating you all on my sneak peaks…
sooo I’ll be posting lots today and tomorrow <3
Consider yourself warned! 🙂

This year just flew by <3
Love this family!!

I can’t believe how big she is!
I think last time I saw her.. she was barely standing.
Now she’s chatting up a storm <3

Check out that biiiiig smile 🙂
cheeks for days! <3

A fireman’s son <3

Meet Kiefer <3
14 days new 🙂

Lucia <3
I was obsessed with her hair !!

Who, me?!

The little red shoes <3

They were SO cute together 🙂

Happy little DJ <3

Soon to be a family of 4!

Happy little Evelyn <3

This big girl 🙂
And can we talk about those CURLS?!

Perfect little profile <3

Snuggly little bear <3

Some of my favorite people 🙂 <3

I love me some babies with squishy cheeeeks!
Last post for the night 😉