I know it’s been a little quiet on my page lately– craaazy fall season has officially started 🙂
So i’ve been a little behind with the sneak peeks
PLUS I just signed the lease to the new studio! ahhhh <3
Meet Sienna

Still have some openings for some 1:1 newborn mentoring 🙂 Shoot me a message if you’re interested <3

Pucker up 🙂
itty bitty lips <3
I kinda have the best job ever, I have to say 😉

Frilly bear bonnet 🙂
A little obsessed <3

Loving these sweet little fall babies <3

Always love the creams & beiges <3

Another lovely fall photo from last year.. <3
Availability limited!

It’s officially FALL 🙂
Don’t forget to schedule your fall family session 🙂
And pleaaase don’t wait! Most weekend spots for October are taken, so hurry hurry!

In a pinky kind of moood <3

When one of your newborn clients come back…
as a big sister! <3
time sure does flyyyyy right by <3

i friends 🙂 I need your help! I am in need of some TWIN models for this Mondays mentoring session!
Twins must be under 9lbs each- or born within the last 14 days.
Free photos for your time 🙂
Please help me find some lovely twin models 🙂

Check out this little hunky chunk 🙂 <3

My gorgeous best friend <3

Lucy love 🙂
I love her sweet free spirit <3

Another of sweet Wesley that I forgot to share <3

My faaaavorite part of this photo is that little tuft of hair <3

Loooong day of mentoring today with Stephanie- who flew in from Massachusetts to visit 🙂
We had two sets of twins come into the studio for us- so needless to say we were sweaty and exhausted after all that shooting.
Here is one of the sweet boys from today <3

I can’t for the life of me remember which is which… but let me tell you.. they were both equally delicious <3
Brayden + Camden

Our next set of twins were these gorgeous ladies <3
AnalÃa + Sofia

I can’t tell you how much I looove this little newborn pillow! <3