Curly lil’ guyyyyy :)))))

How beautiful are these three kiddos?! 🙂
Love when my clients come back to see meee!!

So smitten for Liam

When you try to take a family holiday photo with a 1 year old.
Real life –
Finlay’s like… nah!

These brothers were SO sweet

Big boys need cuddles, too

Okay.. one more with this amazing wrap. I just loved this set- up too much!!!

“I’m outta here!”

Sweet lady

He was such a flirt

Gorgeous Elena –
She certainly made me work for it- but it was obviously worth it!

Check out this little cutie that I got to hang with the other day!!!

Isabella smile emoticon You doll baby!!
Shoulda kept her.

These are my favorite moments 🙂

The “Who are you and when are you going to leave me alone” look.
90% of every toddler client I’ve worked with has given me this look at some point during our session.

I fell in love with Elena’s sweet features.
Her perfect “M” shaped lips, and dark eyelashes.

These two are always just the sweetest!