Chicagoland newborn pictures

Recently, this beautiful baby girl came to the studio for a photo shoot. Now, featuring her Chicagoland newborn pictures, taken by me!

Chicagoland newborn picturest

To begin, when choosing a package that includes family photos, we always start with these poses first. First, because baby is usually sound asleep, and we want baby that way. Also, mom’s hair and makeup are fresh, everyone is excited, and ready for these moments to be captured.

newborn pictures Chicagoland

Then, we also get moments alone with Dad, with Mom, and with siblings, if applicable.

newborn photography Chicago

Now, I did capture gorgeous family photos, but I like to save those for Mom and Dad. This way, they can post as they wish. After, we move on to baby alone. Here, this gorgeous girl is wearing one of the several headbands in studio.

baby photographer near me

Of course, when featuring baby alone, we have to put baby in adorable props. Now, all the props, headbands, hats, swaddles that you see featured here are in studio, ready to use at your newborn photo shoot!

baby sleeping posed newborn photos

Finally, we finished in the moon bucket pose. Now, several other poses and shots were taken, but we just feature a few here on the blog.

Also, to view more galleries, or get information on pricing, click here.

And, Bethany Hope Photography is a photography studio specializing in Chicago newborn & family photography. Truthfully, I absolutely love what I do! And, I love all things rustic and vintage. Because of that, I try to incorporate that into my photography. For your information, my studio is located in Six Corners Chicago. Also, I’ve been a photographer for about 8+ years and have specialized in newborn photography for about 5. Now, I mainly shoot newborn, baby, maternity & family photos and would LOVE to be apart of telling your story. Fortunately, my clients come from all around the Chicagoland area! And, I am serving, but not limited to: Chicago, Park Ridge, Des Plaines, Arlington Heights, Palatine, Barrington, Elgin, Glenview, Schaumburg, Elmhurst, Evanston, Naperville, Oak Park, Skokie, Wilmette, Northbrook, Wheeling, Buffalo Grove, Wooddale, Addison, Norridge, Lincolnwood, and all surrounding Chicago suburbs