
Between his lips & the bear bonnet… I can’t tell what I love more


In Daddy’s arms


Sheridan!!! Has it really been 6 months since your newborn session?!?!


This little sweet peeeea

11885187_883943718357303_2274113679736058886_n“..nah I slept for ten minutes. I think I’ll stay awake now.” -Sylas.


Why Sylas chose to make a silly face for the photos with his Mama, I do not know.


Another with the snuggle sack heart emoticon This was the only ten minutes of sleep he gave me!


One veeerrrrrry hungry caterpillar


Leo visited me for his ONE year pictures




I was looking over my newborn sessions from last winter.

Madelyn's hero

Madelyn’s hero

I am so grateful for all the amazing new families I’ve met this past year– and the families that I’ve met even in the past 3 years! I owe it all to my clients!
I’ve really been able to specialize in the newborn aspect of my business and it’s been nothing but rewarding! I have a lot more to learn and a long way to go as far as my goals… but I can’t help but reflect and be grateful for this past year.
Thank you!